American Fugitives (Tv-Series)

Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery.
Plot: The series follows two FBI agents tracking American fugitives in Mexico and South America.
Number of seasons in the making: 1 season
Number of episodes per season: 20 episodes

American Fugitives (Tv-Series)

Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery.
Plot: The series follows two FBI agents tracking American fugitives in Mexico and South America.
Number of seasons in the making: 1 season
Number of episodes per season: 20 episodes


Take a look at the lead cast


Jordi Mollà

Bad Boys II (Columbia Pictures), Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan (Amazon), Che (Warner Bros), Colombiana (produced by Luc Besson), Queen of the South (USA Tv), Genius (National Geographic), etc


Carlos Bardem

The Chosen One (Netflix), Echo 3 (Apple Tv), Club Cuervos (Netflix), The Son (AMC Network), Assassin's Creed (20th Century Studios), Escobar Paradis Lost (Entertainment One), etc


Vanesa Restrepo

La Muchacha Que Limpia (HBO Max), False Identity (Telemundo NBC), The Inmate (Telemundo NBC/Netflix), La Dona (Telemundo NBC), The Inhabitant, etc.


Francisco Denis

Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan (Amazon), Narcos (Netflix), The Five Juanas
(Netflix), Diary of a Gigolo (Netflix), Hugo Chavez El Comandante (Sony Pictures), Narcos Mexico (Netflix), etc


Take a look at the lead cast


Jordi Mollà

Bad Boys II (Columbia Pictures), Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan (Amazon), Che (Warner Bros), Colombiana (produced by Luc Besson), Queen of the South (USA Tv), Genius (National Geographic), etc


Carlos Bardem

The Chosen One (Netflix), Echo 3 (Apple Tv), Club Cuervos (Netflix), The Son (AMC Network), Assassin's Creed (20th Century Studios), Escobar Paradis Lost (Entertainment One), etc


Francisco Denis

Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan (Amazon), Narcos (Netflix), The Five Juanas
(Netflix), Diary of a Gigolo (Netflix), Hugo Chavez El Comandante (Sony Pictures), Narcos Mexico (Netflix), etc


Vanesa Restrepo

La Muchacha Que Limpia (HBO Max), False Identity (Telemundo NBC), The Inmate (Telemundo NBC/Netflix), La Dona (Telemundo NBC), The Inhabitant, etc.


Take a look at the lead cast


Jordi Mollà

Bad Boys II (Columbia Pictures), Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan (Amazon), Che (Warner Bros), Colombiana (produced by Luc Besson), Queen of the South (USA Tv), Genius (National Geographic), etc


Carlos Bardem

The Chosen One (Netflix), Echo 3 (Apple Tv), Club Cuervos (Netflix), The Son (AMC Network), Assassin's Creed (20th Century Studios), Escobar Paradis Lost (Entertainment One), etc


Francisco Denis

Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan (Amazon), Narcos (Netflix), The Five Juanas
(Netflix), Diary of a Gigolo (Netflix), Hugo Chavez El Comandante (Sony Pictures), Narcos Mexico (Netflix), etc


Vanesa Restrepo

La Muchacha Que Limpia (HBO Max), False Identity (Telemundo NBC), The Inmate (Telemundo NBC/Netflix), La Dona (Telemundo NBC), The Inhabitant, etc.